Harvested with Care


Our hens forage green pasture providing them the highest and most natural nutrition possible. Supplemented with quality feed, they produce incredible eggs. While colors of their shell vary by breed, the nutritional value does not. Our eggs are better than a store bought egg. Each egg comes from a healthy, happy chicken and produces a better, healthier product.

Eggs can be purchased by the dozen or dozen and a half. Better yet, become a subscriber.

Pastured Poultry

The chicken’s natural state to forage on pasture produces some of the best meat. Pastured poultry is not only better tasting, healthier meat, it is also a process that is better and healthier for the animal. Try it today!


We believe pollinators play a vital role in our ecosystem and do all that we can to support them. We take only what excess they have, being sure they maintain plenty for their own needs. With plenty of woods and grasslands, our apiary produces wonderfully delicious golden honey!